This September, we proudly launched our new and exciting college model that supports students’ holistic development. Each student is now part of one of four colleges: Warburton, Drew-Baker, Wilkinson, and Hilton. Each college is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team, serving as Head of College, and supported by a Director of Standards. Students engage in fantastic weekly assemblies and competitions focused on behaviour points and attendance, alongside our engaging 'Fun Fridays.' Our students have embraced this model wholeheartedly, relishing the sense of belonging and pride it fosters. They eagerly anticipate the weekly points announcements which further enhances their enthusiasm and commitment to their college family!  

All of our college names are inspired by local heroes from the world of Sport, Music, Literature and Academia. Weekly reward incentives drive engagement in the college system and students have enjoyed our rewards shop, attendance extravaganzas and college trips voted by them! During form time, our college staff and teams of form tutors are dedicated to the attendance, progress and wellbeing of Westleigh students; eagerly promoting them to be the best versions of themselves. Positive phone calls, intervention and family support networks have all increased as a result of our new model as our colleges battle it out to be the best! 


Half-term 1 Winners: Warburton!


Half-term 2 Winners: Hilton!


Keep a lookout for our 2025 winners as the college competition continues...