Target Setting information

Rationale and Intent
At the Westleigh School we have the mission statement “At Westleigh we aspire to fulfil our dreams and achieve with all our might. Together we tackle the barriers that may stand in our way”. As a result, our aim is to set targets for students which are aspirational and achievable so that that our students have as many opportunities open to them as possible as they move through KS4 and beyond.

In order to produce targets that are aspirational for all students The Westleigh School utilises estimates produced by The Fischer Family Trust (FFT). 
The Westleigh School uses FFT 20 to set target grades or equivalent. These targets if achieved mean that our students would be making progress in line with the top 20% performing schools nationally. 

KS3 – FFT 20 target grades are used to place students into attainment bands, Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 or 7-8 for each of their subjects so that students can be assessed regularly to see if they are on track to achieve their FFT target grade at the end of year 11.

KS4 – Students are given a fine target grade meaning that each grade is divided into 3 level. 
(For example 3-  lower grade 3, 3= a secure grade 3 or 3+ a high grade 3). 
For subjects that are not given GCSE number grades the targets are equivalent.                 
 (For example L2P = Level 2 Pass, L2M = Level 2 Merit or L2D = Level 2 Distinction).

Target bands and grades are reviewed at regular intervals to ensure that they are aspirational. 
Using current progress data for each individual child, if a student is currently assessed to be performing above their current attainment band or target, their target may be increased.