We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of our Year 11 pupils. The dedication they have shown in preparing for these important exams has been exceptional. Most students arrived well before 8:10am each morning to take advantage of the breakfast revision sessions, demonstrating an admirable commitment to their studies.
The staff at Westleigh School could not be more impressed by the maturity and resilience displayed by this year group. Facing major exams is always a daunting challenge, but our Year 11s took it in stride, maintaining their focus and doing their absolute best.
As we approach the end of this academic year, we encourage our fantastic Year 11 students to keep up the great work ethic they have embodied throughout the exam period. The same level of determination will be invaluable as they take the next steps in their educational journeys.
Once again, congratulations! You have made your school extremely proud. We wish you all the best and look forward to celebrating your future successes. For now, it's time to enjoy that well-deserved ice cream treat!